Tuesday, September 28, 2004


so last saturday, likha had another show. it was a scaled down show, but you can say it was important. now singkil...i've always had a good performance. maybe had a few trips here and there but saturday was a terrible reality. somehow during singkil i tripped, fell on my right side, and slid across the floor. don't know how it happened but it was a slow motion bluuuurrrrrrrrr.

boy was i upset. that never happened to me. EVER. well reality decides to bite me in the butt and push me off my "high singkil horse." i hold with this dance the highest pride therefor me being so upset. with singkil, i'm always trying to improve from the last time (been doing this since 92).

i'd like to thank all those who tried to cheer me up. you guys are the greatest.

after the show, we all went to eat pizza's at amici's. pizza always seems to cheer me up. glad we went. oh yeh and thanks to manok for the jinxed comment about retiring when you f*** up really bad. i wanted to retire singkil while on top. oh well...time to go play in the dirt.

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