Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger combo Posted by Hello

ahhh the food challenge. randy vs. ernie...which took place nov.13 after our bowling gig. almar, one of the frequent competitor in this challenge was not present because he was in hawaii havin his own food challenge...by himself. haha.

so, what is this "food challenge?" basically, the food challenge is a "challenge" to see who can eat all their given food, such as the bacon ultimate cheesburger combo you see here in the picture. the amount and type of food is agreed upon and the challenge begins. the consequence for not finishing the challenging (to put it bluntly, the loser) would have to stuff the left-overs in their pocket the and winners get to smash that pocket with the food inside. yes...that is so mean, but that what makes it funny as #@ck!!!

this food challenge started waaaaaaayyy back when me, ernie, almar and jose (jenn3's cousin) were still living in san diego. to make this story short...we were on our way to vegas, but before we left SD, we decided to eat at jack in my crack. we all decided to eat the bacon ultimate cheeseburger. betting each other that someone couldn't finish it. and there ya go...the "birth" of the food challenge.

so here are pics of me and ernie's food challenge: bacon ultimate cheeseburger combo from jack is on crack. sorry if the pictures are not in order. i'm still kumpyuter eeliturit.


I forgot to tell you that Ernie and I went to Aldabertos when we had the photoshoot in Vallejo. Some damn good Carne Asada burritos!
it doesn't look too huge (although i can't really tell from the picture). so who won?

Hmmm...sure looks tasty. Yeah, who won?
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