Monday, December 13, 2004

what a weekend...

first things first...JOB WELL DONE to the rondalla!!! yay! we played very well even the guitar section messed up in parol. hahahahha! listening to the audio at ed's, man i gotta say we sounded fresh!!! speaking of ed...there were tons of food for the rondalla cast party/last practice/christmas party at ed's pad. lots of good times and funny moments especially me and almar taking "head shots" of likha members, hehehehehhe =) oh yeh, check out my bio if you haven't already done so. don't forget to read almar's. actually, read almar's first, then mine.

the parties that i mentioned a while back, the firday party was kool. saw most of my co-workers, DRUNK. kinda scary but funny at the same time. saturday nite, after the rondalla recital, almar and i went to my other co-worker's party. it was a going away party and located at 850 montgomery. its a cigar bar and grill and it a pretty chill place to hang out, smoke cigars/yosies, drink, and shoot pool. of course there was food to eat, but none of us ate. after chillin at the cigar bar and grill, we were hungry so almar and i rolled over to ling-nams and grubbed. i had tosilog and bangus while fatboy had chicken-silog and soup.

the next party i will be attending will be on thursday. its another going away party but for my boss. i wonder if i'm gonna see more drunk co-workers again. i should take pictures for evidence....(evil laf).

oh yeh, thanks gary for letting play with yer camera. had loads of fun taking pictures. i bet you were wondering what the hairy looking thing was...ha! thanks again.

now that likha's season is over...time to catch up with the christmas shopping, which i haven't started yet. okay, i gotta take a nap. i'm tired. MMMMMMBBYYYEEEEEEEEESS.

I didn't have a chance to look at them, but I'll be sure to post! I thought it was cool that you all had fun taking pictures, that's what it is all about!
I thought that was your camera the until the end of the night. I hate close ups! Yes, I'm vain!
always a pleasure to jam with you, randy!!! we rocked!!!
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